Wednesday, November 15, 2006

How many Blogs?

Every day 100,000 new blogs are created and 1.3 million posts are made, it found during its quarterly survey. Technorati is now tracking more than 57 million blogs, of which it believes around 55% are 'active' - updated at least every three months.

While the daily figure of 100,000 new weblogs is down on the 160,000 total from June 2006 it does not indicate a slowdown in growth rates. Furthermore, English and Japanese remain the two most popular languages in the blogosphere. Despite problems for bloggers in China, Chinese remains at number three.


Anonymous said...

it would be interesting also to analyse how, generally speaking, the contects of blogs changes from language to language.
For instace I've seen that either on or, blogs are used as school tools, a place where to talk about politics, religion, technology...
On (italian, same look as you can find blogs that are focused on everyday life or fun..

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